Tag Archives: néal
Leabhar Eile le Gwyneth Wynn: Micí agus an Rí (Another Mini Irish Glossary) Posted by róislín on Apr 19, 2017

(le Róislín) In the most recent blog (nasc thíos), we looked at Gwyneth Wynn’s charming Micí ar an bPortach (1998) and provided a glossary of some of the interesting Irish vocabulary words contained in the book. Most of the entries had to do with digging, drying and “footing” turf. Today, we’ll look at another book…
In ómós don sár-réalta shiamsaíochta Prince — Réaltnéal Corcra (a memorial note with some Irish phrases) Posted by róislín on Apr 25, 2016
(le Róislín) Agus mé amuigh ag siúl oíche Dhéardaoin seo caite chonaic mé marquee ag rá “RIP Prince.” Ar dtús ní raibh a fhios agam cén fáth a raibh sé sin scríofa. Bhí mé istigh an chuid is mó den lá ar an lá sin agus níor thug mé mórán airde don nuacht. …
tír + scamall + fada + bán = Aotearoa (probably!) Posted by róislín on Jun 5, 2014
(le Róislín) So what was that dú-shlán [DOO-hlawn] mentioned in the last blog (nasc thíos). Gaeilge a chur ar Mhaorais (to translate Maori to Irish)? Bhuel, cén fáth nach ndéanfaí sin (Well, why not, lit. why wouldn’t that be done)?The hitch is, here, that I’m just going to set out the vocabulary in this blog…