Tag Archives: neamhshaolta
A Glossary for the Irish in ‘Neacha Neamhshaolta’ (Tríshúileach / Three-eyed, or Otherwise), Part / Cuid 3 Posted by róislín on Feb 28, 2017

(le Róislín) Lately we’ve been looking at some vocabulary from the recent blogposts on the theme of “neacha neamhshaolta” (aliens from outer space). We’ve looked at how many eyes a creature might have (trí shúil, mar shampla) and how to say “antennae” for…
A Glossary for the Irish in ‘Neacha Neamhshaolta’ (Tríshúileach / Three-eyed, or Otherwise), Part / Cuid 2 Posted by róislín on Feb 26, 2017

(le Róislín) Continuing with our “neacha neamhshaolta” vocabulary, here are some more words from the recent blogposts (naisc thíos), together with some synonyms: aintéine: antenna, pl: aintéiní, for animals, but for radio or television reception, there is a different word, “aeróg” (more like “aerial”). Both aintéiní and aeróga can be “inghiorraithe” (retractable). lonrach: luminescent, also…
A Glossary for the Irish in ‘Neacha Neamhshaolta’ (Tríshúileach / Three-eyed, or Otherwise), Cuid / Part 1 Posted by róislín on Feb 24, 2017

(le Róislín) The last few blogs may have introduced some new vocabulary, so let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases, starting with: A.. “neach” (creature, being, person, spirit). Note that all these definitions match up with other Irish words as well, often more primary: 1.. creature: créatúr (implying “poor creature”…
Design Your Own ‘Neach Neamhshaolta’ and Describe It in Irish, or, What’s the Gaeilge for ‘I Have Two Antennae, or Three Eyes or Four Opposable Thumbs’? Posted by róislín on Feb 22, 2017

(le Róislín) One of our recent blogposts (nasc thíos) had a fun segue between “neacha neamhshaolta” and “clocha sneachta,” normally a rather unlikely combination. Why so “neamhghnách” (unlikely)? Bhuel, “neacha neamhshaolta” means “aliens” (in the outer-space sense) and “clocha sneachta” means “hailstones,” normally unconnected. You may remember the photo (an nasc céanna, thíos) of the…
Gluais don alt faoi fhrasaíocht (precipitation vocab in Irish, plus some pronunciation tips) Posted by róislín on Feb 20, 2017

(le Róislín) Our most recent blogpost (nasc thios) discussed four types of precipitation (ceithre chineál frasaíochta) and today’s post will focus on some of the less common words in that article, and, in some cases, pronunciation. So, seo dosaen focal ón bhlagmhír sin, an pictiúr agus an téacs leis san áireamh: bunlíne, bottom line, an bhunlíne…