Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: New Year’s

You Say You Want a Resolution, bhuel, tá ‘fhios ‘ad … Úúps, “Revolution” a Bhí i gCeist ag na Beatles Posted by on Jan 17, 2013

(le Róislín) Ar ndóigh, “resolution” (dea-rún) atá i gceist againne anseo.  “Réabhlóid” (revolution) a bhí i gceist ag na Beatles.  Ach oiriúnaíonn sé rithim an amhráin — sin é mo leithscéal (excuse)! In the last blog, we discussed “dea-rúin” (resolutions), at least from “dearcadh na leipreachán” (  Let’s look now at the actual word for…

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Five New Year’s Resolutions a Leprechaun Would Make (and How to Say Them in Irish) Posted by on Jan 10, 2013

(le Róislín) So this is the time of year for na dea-rúin.  Déanann muid iad agus briseann muid iad.   Céard fútsa?  An bhfuil do dhea-rún (nó do dhea-rúin) i bhfeidhm fós? Anyway, mulling over and reading over the tendency to make and break resolutions, I figured I’d go even farther out on a “géag” and…

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Séasúr na Nollag: A Christmas and New Year’s Matching Game (and Vocabulary Review) Posted by on Dec 16, 2012

(le Róislín) In previous blogs, we’ve looked at various aspects of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays (URLanna thíos). Here we’ll review some of that vocabulary in a matching game.  The dates are given in the left-hand column and holiday names in the right.  Please note the following: a) The dates are in chronological order…

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Samhain (November 1st) and Lá Caille (January 1st): Two New Years! Posted by on Oct 27, 2010

(le Róislín) I suppose one could see this as an opportunity for two ways of celebrating the New Year.  The traditional Celtic New Year was November 1st, recognized as Samhain [SOW-in] but not celebrated today as the official New Year.  The January 1st version of New Year’s Day is Lá Caille (lit. day of Calends)…

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