Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: oideas

Gluais don Oideas “Arán Sóide” (A Glossary for the Irish Soda Bread Recipe, with pronunciation guide) Posted by on Dec 15, 2014

(le Róislín) Some of you may have tried the recent recipe for Irish Soda Bread which appeared in this blog (nasc thíos).  If you’re fairly new to the language, the following might be helpful: First, the word “oideas” itself.  This word can appear in many contexts, with several different meanings (instruction, teaching, recipe, and prescription). …

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Oideas i nGaeilge: Arán Sóide Éireannach, agus Aistriúchán Béarla (and an English translation) Posted by on Dec 11, 2014

(le Róislín) Mí na Nollag!  Seo an séasúr le bheith ag bácáil.  Brioscaí, cístí, fíoracha sinséir, donnóga, agus araile.  Ach má tá tú ag iarraidh gan barraíocht rudaí milse a dhéanamh i mbliana, seo oideas d’arán blasta.  Níl siúcra ar bith ann, ar ndóigh, ach má tá tú ag iarraidh blas beagán milis, bain triail…

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Frásaí Eile leis an bhFocal “Lochlannach” Posted by on Jan 20, 2010

(le Róislín) Recently we discussed various usages of the word “Lochlannach,” which can be translated in various ways, including “Scandinavian” and “Norse” (naisc thíos).  It’s used for Norway Spruce (sprús Lochlannach) and for Swedish goosefoot (blonagán Lochlannach).  I promised at least one more example, tastily potable, if it can be found to exist!  That was…

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