Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Portaingéilis

Is Éan É! Is Eitleán É! Ní Hea — Dreige Atá Ann! (Sorry, Clark!) Posted by on Feb 16, 2013

(le Róislín) Or should that be “dreigít“?  Or “dreigeoideach“?  Bhuel, all three really, I guess, depending on what stage of the event you’re talking about. I thought I had learned all that téarmaíocht réalteolaíoch, at least the buntéarmaí, years ago, but when the news reports start coming in about the Chelyabinsk event, I realized I…

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Ceiliúradh Lá na Saoirse sna Stáit Aontaithe (Independence Day) Posted by on Jul 7, 2009

(le Róislín) Here are some of na himeachtaí (the events) that typically happen ar Lá na Saoirse:   1. Beárbaiciú: borgairí, brocairí teo, borgairí soighe do na veigeatóirí Curiously, at least to me, the Irish for “hot dog” isn’t based on the word “dog,” (which would be “madra”), but on “brocaire” (a terrier).    2…

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