Tag Archives: práta
Irish Words for ‘Potato’: Práta, Fata, Préata Posted by róislín on Jul 8, 2018
(le Róislín) You may have heard the tune, “The Garden Where The Praties Grow”. Ever wonder why it’s not, “The Garden Where The Spuds Grow,” since “spuds” is another popular nickname for potatoes in Ireland? We may not have the answer to the “spuds” aspect of the question, but we can at least discuss the…
Irish Vocab Round-up for the “Corned Beef” (mairteoil shaillte) Blogpost Posted by róislín on Mar 12, 2018

(le Róislín) This blogpost is a follow-up to the recent post on “mairteoil shaillte agus cabáiste,” a typical St. Patrick’s Day dinner (dinnéar tipiciúil Lá Fhéile Pádraig) in America (nasc thíos) Today we’ll look at the words for various food items in the corned beef and cabbage dinner and how they are described. We’ll pay…
Not just ‘bruite’ — some Irish terms for preparing potatoes Posted by róislín on May 6, 2017

(le Róislín) As you can see in the picture above, there are many ways to prepare potatoes (prátaí a réiteach). One of the most basic would simply be “bruite,” which means rather amazingly, “boiled,” “baked,” “grilled,” or simply “cooked.” Or, using the same basic verb, we could say, “iad a bhruith” (to boil/bake/grill/cook them). But…
Dóigheanna le Prátaí a Réiteach (Irish Terms for Ways to Prepare Potatoes) Posted by róislín on Nov 26, 2015
Potatoes may be popular all year around, but in the U.S., they are especially popular in late November, for Lá an Altaithe. At this time, many American families will serve two or three types of potatoes with the Thanksgiving meal, and I’ve even heard of up to four types at one meal. The two types…
Speaking of ‘Nite, Bruite, is Ite’ (and who can prepare and eat potatoes the fastest) Posted by róislín on Nov 9, 2013
le Róislín First, let me say, that no, although three-part titles like “Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka” and “Snipp, Snapp, Snurr” are running wildly through my head as I write this, the three words “nite,” “bruite,” and “ite” are not three characters from children’s books. They are, as I mentioned in my last blog, rangabhálacha caite…
Feabhra: Mí an Chroí i Meiriceá agus sa Bhreatain (February: Heart Month) Posted by róislín on Feb 2, 2012
(le Róislín) Nach deas an neas-suíomh é: Feabhra mar “Mhí an Chroí” (i Meiriceá agus sa Bhreatain) agus Feabhra mar mhí do leannáin (lovers) go ginearálta, mar gheall ar Lá Vailintín. I’ve actually been poking around online trying to find out what year February as American Heart Month started, but gan éifeacht (to no avail…
A Práta by Any Other Name: Téarmaí Bia agus Cócaireachta (Food and Cooking Terms) Posted by róislín on Jun 23, 2009
(le Róislín) What better place to begin a discussion of Irish cuisine than with the potato? Still one of the príomhbhianna (staple foods) of Ireland, potatoes may be served in two or even three different ways in one béile (meal). Typical styles of preparation would include: prátaí bruite or beirithe (boiled), prátaí friochta (fried), and…