Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: prefix

Dea-Rúin na hAthbhliana 2013 (New Year’s Resolutions for 2013) Posted by on Dec 31, 2012

(le Róislín) Is é an t-am sin den bhliain é arís!  It’s that time of year again!   Déanamh dea-rún agus briseadh na ndea-rún.  Making resolutions and breaking the resolutions. Let’s first look at the Irish word for “resolution” itself and then we’ll look at a few popular New Year’s resolutions. The Irish for “resolution” in…

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Cineálacha Stoirmeacha (Kinds of Storms): An Scéal Leantach (The Sequel) Posted by on Oct 21, 2012

(le Róislín) Kind of has a nice beat, doesn’t it?  Cineálacha Stoirmeacha [KIN-yawl-ukh-uh STIRzh-im-ukh-uh].   Storms are possible any time of year, of course, but the month of October can see several types.  Stoirmeacha sneachta, mar a bhí ar chósta thiar na Stát Aontaithe i mí Dheireadh Fómhair (go luath don séasúr!) sa bhliain 2011 —…

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Lá na nAmadán…na nGamal?…na nÓinseach?…na bPleidhcí?…na bPleotaí? Posted by on Mar 30, 2012

(le Róislín) We may be well accustomed to calling April 1st “Lá na nAmadán” in Irish, but couldn’t there be some other possibilities as well?  Irish has many words for “a fool,” so what would happen if we tried some of the others?  And, grammatically speaking, how do we work backwards from “fools” in the…

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Cúig Fhrása (Béarla) Gan Mhaith (De Réir Fhionntán Uí Thuathail aka Fintan O’Toole) (Cuid 4/4) Posted by on Jan 14, 2012

(le Róislín) Faoi dheireadh, an starr dheireanach!  Finally, the home stretch!  Cuid a ceathair as ceithre chuid (Part 4 of 4 parts).  Today’s blog will deal with the fifth of the cúig iontráil in Fintan O’Toole’s “Wasting Good Words on a Terrible Situation” (  I’ll repeat the SPOILER ALERT though.  You might want to wait…

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Rúdolf an Réinfhia – Redux (Cuid a Dó, 2/3), Plus Prefixes, Pronunciation and Linguistic Precision Posted by on Dec 18, 2011

(le Róislín) Seo an dara chuid den leagan nua den cheistiúchán faoi Rúdolf (ceisteanna 11, 13, agus 14, agus na freagraí; beidh ceist 12 i mblag eile mar tá sí fada).  Tá gluais bheag agus níos mó roghanna sna freagraí ann anois freisin.  The nasc for the original (2009) is and you’ll find an…

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Níos Mó faoi na hOrduimhreacha (More on Ordinal Numbers) Posted by on Sep 15, 2011

(le Róislín) In a recent blog we looked at na horduimhreacha as they might pertain to days of the months: an chéad lá de mhí na Nollag, an ceathrú lá d’Iúil, srl.  Perhaps a little more practice with orduimhreacha wouldn’t be amiss.  For once, there are relatively few initial changes to worry about, but there…

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Picnic Lá Samhraidh Posted by on Jul 10, 2009

Even though “An Ceathrú” (The Fourth) is now over for this year, with all of its picnic activities, I imagine there will be many more picnicí held over the course of the summer.    Here are some selections of bia picnice (picnic food) that are popular in my neck of the woods (and that’s an…

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