Tag Archives: sa
Séimhiú agus Urú agus an Áit inar Rugadh Thú (Saying Where You Were Born in Irish) Posted by róislín on Jul 28, 2018

(le Róislín) Since we’ve recently been talking about how to say where you were born, I thought a little more practice might be welcome. The graphic above shows a variety of combinations of place names, Irish and non-Irish, and the changes that occur when you use the word “in” with the place names. Remember, the…
Cár rugadh thú? Rugadh i … / in … mé. (The Irish for ‘Where were you born?’ ‘I was born in …’) Posted by róislín on Jul 25, 2018

(le Róislín) Since we just looked at the topic of breech birth (breith tóna) in the most recent blog (nasc thíos), I thought it might be good to look at a more general topic concerning birth – a question we often ask and answer: Cár rugadh thú? Where were you born? Now we’ll look at…
Pronunciation Tips for ”Six Ways to Say ‘I Want Some More’ in Irish” Posted by róislín on May 14, 2014
(le Róislín) From time to time (ó am go ham), I like to go back to a previous blog and provide more pronunciation notes. Here are a few more tips for ” Six Ways to Say, ‘I Want Some More’ in Irish (ag cur Gaeilge ar athfhriotal clúiteach Oilibhéir)” (10 Bealtaine 2014; nasc thíos). As…
Six Ways to Say, “I Want Some More” in Irish (ag cur Gaeilge ar athfhriotal clúiteach Oilibhéir) Posted by róislín on May 10, 2014
(le Róislín) “Please, sir, …” ráite go truacánta. And then what? In the last blog (nasc thíos) , we talked about the “please” part of this sentence. But there wasn’t enough room to include the different ways to say “I want” or “more.” So here goes. Our keywords could include the following: maith, díth, iarraidh…
Deireadh Fómhair agus Mí na Samhna: Séasúr na bPuimcíní (Pumpkin Season) Posted by róislín on Oct 15, 2013
(le Róislín) In some previous blogs, we’ve counted pumpkins (puimcín amháin go fiche puimcín, srl.) and talked about smashing them (for which I finally decided on “smidiríní a dhéanamh de phuimcín“); tá cúpla nasc thíos. In this blog we’ll look a little further into different forms of the word “puimcín,” glance at its history (i…
An Focal “Twerking” i nGaeilge (Yet Another “tv+vowel” Word!) Posted by róislín on Oct 11, 2013
(le Róislín) I started pondering this question shortly after the Miley Cyrus escapades broke the news but I simply thought I’d eventually do a blog on the various words used to describe what “twerking” is, like “gyrate,” “thrust,” etc. I wasn’t sure if the powers that be in the Irish vocabulary world would decide on…
Ag Caint faoi Thuí agus faoi Thuíodóireacht (Speaking of Thatching) Posted by róislín on Apr 14, 2013
(le Róislín) Before moving away from tuíodóireacht to other topics, I thought it would be interesting to look at the tools used by a tuíodóir, and also to look briefly at the use of díonta tuí outside of Ireland and Britain. You might have just noticed the phrase “díonta tuí” (thatched roofs). And you might…