Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: samhlacha

Three Ways to Say “Keeping Your Nose to the Grindstone” in Irish without Using the Words for “Nose” or “Grindstone” –  Is é sin a rá, cora cainte atá difriúil ar fad i bhfoclaíocht ach mar a gcéanna (beagnach) i gciall Posted by on Aug 31, 2017

(le Róislín) In the most recent blogpost (nasc thíos), we did some discussion of noses (sróna) and grindstones (clocha líofa), which led to an interesting vocabulary work-out.  In today’s post, we’ll actually look at some more traditional ways of saying “to keep your nose to the grindstone,” none of which mention noses or grindstones.   This…

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Liúdair go dtí a) an Caisleán Nua, b) an Aithin nó go c) Toraigh? Posted by on May 15, 2012

(le Róislín) As the final entry in this mionsraith ar chaint fhíortha, we’ll talk briefly about liúdair (coalfish) and their role in a traditional Irish expression.   Of course, we could talk about figurative speech  till the cows come home or till we’re all blue in the face, but there are other topics looming so we’ll…

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