Tag Archives: sceallóg
‘Sceamhóg’ vs. ‘Scamhóg” in Irish (and for good measure ‘sceallóg’ and ‘scailleog’) Posted by róislín on May 16, 2017

(le Róislín) While working on the most recent blogs, on prátaí, (naisc thíos), I noticed an interesting coincidence about the pronunciation of some Irish words. Last time, we talked extensively about words for “chips”, which included “sceamhóg” (flake, chip, slice). In today’s post, we’ll look at a similar-sounding word, “scamhóg,” which has a completely different…
Speaking of Spuds: Sceallóga (Prátaí) and Sceallóga Eile (Irish Words for Chips, Potato and Otherwise) Posted by róislín on May 12, 2017

(le Róislín) We recently (nasc thíos) looked at several ways of cooking of potatoes (prátaí) and now we’ll check a few types specifically of sceallóga prátaí (chips, or in the US, French fries). In the illustration above we can see four types, and one solitary bit of a chip that a bird made off with…
Dóigheanna le Prátaí a Réiteach (Irish Terms for Ways to Prepare Potatoes) Posted by róislín on Nov 26, 2015
Potatoes may be popular all year around, but in the U.S., they are especially popular in late November, for Lá an Altaithe. At this time, many American families will serve two or three types of potatoes with the Thanksgiving meal, and I’ve even heard of up to four types at one meal. The two types…