Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: suffix

‘Is Lá Eile É An Lá Amárach’ … agus ‘Lá an Oirthear’ (More on ‘After’ in Irish) Posted by on Oct 24, 2010

(le Róislín) Sula mbeidh téama Samhna againn, beidh beagáinín eile sa bhlag faoin bhfocal “after.”  Is í ceist Sheancháin an cheist a spreag an tsraith seo agus mar sin freagróidh mé a cheistsean sula dtosóidh mé na blaganna faoi Oíche Shamhna agus faoin tSamhain.  Before we have the Halloween theme (which is champing at the…

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Logainmneacha Ceilteacha agus Náisiúntachtaí a Sé: Celtic Place Names and Nationalities 6 – Cornwall and the Cornish Posted by on May 22, 2009

We’ve recently discussed the place names Albain, Éire, An Bhreatain Bheag, Oileán Mhanann, and An Bhriotáin.  Today we’ll turn to Cornwall.  Below you’ll find some examples of how to use the place name and how to indicate that a person or thing is Cornish.  Cornwall is called “Corn na Breataine” (horn of Britain) or sometimes…

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