Tag Archives: suí
Counting People in Irish — Cén daoine? Na daoine ag an bpic-nic! Posted by róislín on Aug 25, 2018

(le Róislín) Counting people in Irish is fairly straightforward, but there are two important things to remember: The question “How many people …?” keeps the word for “people” in the singular in Irish, so we use “duine” (person), not “daoine” (people). The question is “Cé mhéad duine …?” There is a special system of numbers…
An Focal “Twerking” i nGaeilge (Yet Another “tv+vowel” Word!) Posted by róislín on Oct 11, 2013
(le Róislín) I started pondering this question shortly after the Miley Cyrus escapades broke the news but I simply thought I’d eventually do a blog on the various words used to describe what “twerking” is, like “gyrate,” “thrust,” etc. I wasn’t sure if the powers that be in the Irish vocabulary world would decide on…
Nótaí Fuaimnithe (Pronunciation Notes) don Bhlag Deireanach, or, Not Your Abuela’s “ua” Vowel Sound Posted by róislín on Feb 23, 2010
(le Róislín) A few notes on pronunciation for the last blog, which was called “Thuas Seal, Thíos Seal, or Ice-cream and Underlings.” Pronunciation notes always seem to be welcome! The “ua” sound, which we saw consistently in that whole “slua” (angl. slew) of related words is basically “oo-uh.” That’s “oo” as in (American) English…