Tag Archives: Tails and Trotters
Bia le Beoir (Aguisín): One More Irish Phrase for a Beer-friendly Snack Food, Cuid / Part 1 Posted by róislín on Mar 23, 2017

(le Róislín) Well, it may not have quite the linguistic sizzle as the phrase “pork scratchings” (US equivalent “cracklins” or “cracklings”), aka “fried pork rinds,” but here’s the Irish for the bia sneaice in the picture above, quite straightforwardly: craiceann muiceola friochta (skin + of pork + fried). [Agus seo aguisín don aguisín seo: no sooner…
Ar Dhroim (Ar Muin) na Muice: Not Quite The Same as “High on the Hog” Posted by róislín on May 5, 2012
(le Róislín) You might remember a passing reference in the last blog to “dromanna muc” (backs of pigs) in the discussion of caint mheafarach (fhíortha) in general. The only real reason I pluralized it was to emphasize the point that lots of people use lots of figurative speech in lots of situations. So over the…