Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Teach ceann tuí

Bean an Tuíodóra (The Wife of the Thatcher) Posted by on Apr 11, 2013

(le Róislín) Well, no, this blog is not going to be about the late Margaret Hilda Thatcher, An Banbharún Thatcher (13 Deireadh Fómhair 1925-8 Aibreán 2013).  She actually only acquired the name “Thatcher” through marriage, having been born a “Roberts.”  While it’s interesting to ponder the origin of the surname “Thatcher” in England, and the…

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Cúpla Cor Cainte Eile leis an bhFocal “Ceann” (A Few More “Ceann” Idioms) Posted by on Sep 7, 2009

(le Róislín) Here are a few more “head phrases,” that is, phrases with the Irish word “ceann” (head, end, extremity, one, top, etc.).  There are actually probably several hundred idiomatic, figurative, or non-literal uses of “ceann,” so once again this is just cúpla sampla.    Teach ceann tuí: thatched house, lit. house of a head/roof…

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