Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Thankgiving

Mónóg, the Irish for Cranberry, Bogberry, and Mossberry Posted by on Nov 22, 2014

(le Róislín) I’ve long been intrigued by the definition of “mónóg” both as “cranberry” and “bogberry.” Intrigued for two reasons. One, because I’ve never noticed any great emphasis on cranberries in traditional Irish cooking or in the Irish diet, and yet the word “mónóg” is certainly not simply a phonetic adaptation of “cranberry,” the way…

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Comhaireamh Síos Lá an Altaithe Posted by on Nov 18, 2012

(le Róislín) In previous Thanksgiving blogs, we’ve counted turcaithe and puimcíní.  This time, let’s count some favorite foods eaten on Lá an Altaithe i Meiriceá and some of the accessories used to cook or serve them.  True, a multitude of turkey basters and lacers in one place might sound rather, well, awesome, but it’s all…

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