Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: The Last Roundup

Clever, “Cute,” Smart, Intelligent, Wise, and/or Cunning – as Gaeilge! Posted by on Apr 6, 2009

(le Róislín) We’ve recently discussed fools in general in the April 1st and 3rd blogs.  We’ve differentiated amadáin from óinseacha and worked gámaithe, gamail, gamalóga, agus gamaraill into the mix.  Now lets segue to “wise fools” and then to various terms for being clever, “cute,” smart, intelligent, wise and/or cunning.      Wise fools, first. …

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Na hAmadáin (ar leanúint) – The Fools (continued) Posted by on Apr 3, 2009

 (le Róislín)   By now you might be wondering, so what is the Irish word for a female fool?  You might have encountered it already, if you’ve read Charles Kickham’s 1879 novel, Knocknagow, which uses an anglicized form of the word, “oonshugh.”  English-medium Irish literature of that vintage tends to be full of Irish words, but…

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