Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Thoir

Which Irish Speaker Visited ‘Oirthear na Gearmáine’ (East Germany) in 1960? (cuid/pt. 2) Posted by on May 13, 2018

(le Róislín) As you may recall, the most recent blogpost was about the Irishman (an tÉireannach) who went to East Germany (Oirthear na Gearmáine) in the year 1960, a time when very few tourists (turasóirí) were visiting the country (an tír).  The “Éireannach” in question was Seán Ó Maoilbhríde, who wrote an article in Irish…

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Saying ‘East’ and ‘West’ in Irish, or, de réir an tseanfhocail, ‘Soir gach siar, faoi dheireadh thiar’ Posted by on Apr 30, 2018

(le Róislín)   North and South pair up nicely in many parts of the world, as we’ve seen in some recent blogposts here (naisc thíos).  Examples included Baile Átha Cliath Thuaidh / Theas, Meiriceá Thuaidh / Theas, and very timely for current events, An Chóiré Thuaidh and An Chóiré Theas.  One pair we didn’t get…

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How to Say ‘North Korea’ and ‘South Korea’ in Irish, and Some Other ‘North/South’ Combinations Posted by on Feb 21, 2018

 (le Róislín) The Irish for “Korea” is “Cóiré,” one of relatively few words in Irish that end in with a long “é.”  Of the few others, there are “finné” and “inné” but most of the rest are direct adaptations from either English (e.g. giúiré, libhré) or Greek (e.g.  Antaiginé, Circé) or other languages (e.g. bailé…

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