Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Time Enough at Last

Gluaisín do ‘Ó Tillich go (Henry) Bemis: Solitude vs. Loneliness agus Dearcadh na Gaeilge’ Posted by on Aug 30, 2013

(le Róislín) Looking over the last blog, ar “uaigneas” agus “aonaracht,” I thought some léitheoirí might welcome a gluaisín ([GLOO-ish-een] little glossary) and cuidiú [KWIDJ-yoo] le fuaimniú [FOO-im-nyoo, with that “-ny-” like the “-ny-” in “canyon”]. If you didn’t get a seans [shanss] to read an blag sin yet, seo an nasc: .  If…

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Ó Tillich go (Henry) Bemis: ‘Solitude’ vs. ‘Loneliness’ agus Dearcadh na Gaeilge Posted by on Aug 27, 2013

(le Róislín) I recently came across the following athfhriotal suimiúil from Paul Tillich, which set me thinking about the Irish parallels for his discussion: “Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone.  It has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone.  And it has created the word solitude to…

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