Tag Archives: Tokyo
Séimhiú agus Urú agus an Áit inar Rugadh Thú (Saying Where You Were Born in Irish) Posted by róislín on Jul 28, 2018

(le Róislín) Since we’ve recently been talking about how to say where you were born, I thought a little more practice might be welcome. The graphic above shows a variety of combinations of place names, Irish and non-Irish, and the changes that occur when you use the word “in” with the place names. Remember, the…
“An Fada Leat Uait Í, Uait Í?” Iníon Uí Chuileannáin agus a Cohórt Posted by róislín on Jun 11, 2012
(le Róislín) Before wrapping up our discussion of the Cullinans of diamond fame, it might be interesting to look at the name itself. Not only does it have several spellings in Irish, but it also has several anglicizations. And some noteworthy bearers of the name, in real life and in song. The main variations in…