Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: tuiseal ginideach

Saol an Mhadaidh Bháin — The (Good) Life of the White Dog Posted by on May 8, 2012

(le Róislín) Last blog we looked at the expression “ar muin (ar dhroim) na muice” (being “on the pig’s back,” i.e. well off).   The blog before that also referred to several other examples of figurative speech, including “madraí  bána.”  As with the ‘dromanna muc” (or “muiní muc”), that general reference to “madraí bána” was in…

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As Easy As “Pióg”: How To Say Kinds of Pies in Irish Posted by on Nov 12, 2011

(le Róislín) In the end, you’ll need to be your own judge as to whether this is really “as easy as pie,” but here at least are some tips for naming different types of pies.  And as two holiday seasons approach, Lá Altaithe (Meiriceá) and An Nollaig, what tastier topic? So let’s look at the terms for…

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Laethanta na Seachtaine i bhFrásaí le “Dé” (Days of the Week, with Pronunciation, in “Dé” Phrases) Posted by on Sep 27, 2011

(le Róislín) As alluded to in the previous blog, there are two main ways to refer to the days of the week in Irish.  One is when the day is the subject of the sentence, as in “Inniu an Luan” (Today is Monday).  The other form is preceded by the word “Dé” instead of the…

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Laethanta na Seachtaine (Days of the Week, in Irish, with pronunciation) Posted by on Sep 24, 2011

(le Róislín) And one more féilire-related topic: laethanta na seachtaine.  Which could also be called “laethe na seachtaine.”  Both plural forms of “lá” are widely used, “laethanta” and “laethe.” You’ve already noticed the use of “an tuiseal ginideach” in this phrase, right?  That accounts for the “-e” ending to the word “seachtain.”  Since we’re saying…

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Counting Crows and Cows, i nGaeilge (Ag Comhaireamh Préachán agus Bó) Posted by on Aug 25, 2011

(le Róislín) Last time we practiced counting, it was mostly ways to say “zero,” and we finished with a quick view of counting cows (bó amháin, dhá bhó, seacht mbó, deich mbó, míle bó).  So let’s count some more cows (why not?) and, for good measure, let’s count some crows too.  Of course, to do…

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Díth Ingne (An Cúigiú Díochlaonadh, ar l. arís) Posted by on Jun 17, 2011

(le Róislín) So, what do you see in the title of this blog that exemplifies the pattern for a 5th-declension noun?  That’s right, nothing really. Remember the various patterns we’ve seen so far (athair, athar, aithreacha; cathair, cathrach, cathracha; cathaoir, cathaoireach, cathaoireacha)?  And more recently, the pattern where you add “-an,” as in: pearsa, pearsan…

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Lá na nAithreacha – Father’s Day (An Tríú Domhnach i Mí an Mheithimh) Posted by on Jun 20, 2010

This blog will be a round-up of terms connected to fathers, in honor of Lá na nAithreacha (Father’s Day, lit. Day of the Fathers).  We’ll start with the basics (athair) and the less formal forms “Dad” and “Daddy,” and continue with more specialized phrases, like “godfather” and “Father Christmas.” athair [AH-hirzh], father How about the…

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