Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: tuiseal

What’s the “Tuiseal” of “an Tuiseal Ginideach” Anyway? Posted by on Apr 5, 2011

(le Róislín) By now, you’ve probably heard the term “tuiseal” quite a bit in discussing Irish nouns.  It’s generally translated as “case” as in “an tuiseal gairmeach” (“a Shinéad” for “Sinéad” in the “vocative” case) or as in “an tuiseal ginideach” (“cóta Sheáin” for “John’s coat” in the “genitive” case), etc. Of course, this isn’t…

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Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag (The Twelve Days of Christmas) Posted by on Dec 25, 2010

(le Róislín)  For the next few (six really) blogs, I thought I’d check out the gifts mentioned sa charúl Nollag, “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  There are so many gifts, we’ll do two per blog and see if that ends up on the actual 12th day of Christmas. Be warned, there are at least four…

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Téarmaí Nollag: Nollaig Shona duit! Nollaig Shona daoibh! srl. Posted by on Dec 24, 2009

(le Róislín) Here are some of the basic terms for this holiday season: Oíche Nollag, Christmas Eve, but Oíche Lá Nollag, the night of Christmas Day An Nollaig, Christmas (note the use of the definite article, “the” Christmas) Lá Nollag, Christmas Day Nóta 1: Irish doesn’t really have a separate word for “eve” to distinguish “the…

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Pronunciation tips for Mamó, Móraí, and Daideo (Grandma/Granny and Grandpa) Posted by on Jun 5, 2009

 (le Róislín) There have been numerous inquiries on how to pronounce these words, since the previous blogpost on this topic came out (nasc thíos), so here are some tips: To pronounce Mamó: the final vowel is long, so it gets extra emphasis: mam-OH To pronounce Móraí: the emphasis is on the first syllable, which sounds like…

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Lá na Máithreacha vs. Lá na Máthar (“Day of the Mothers” or “of the Mother”)? Posted by on May 10, 2009

(le Róislín) I’ve been following this debate in Irish circles for a good 10 or so years now, probably since the first time I wrote on the topic for my Irish language column for children in the Philadelphia-based Irish Edition newspaper (  Are we celebrating one mother or all mothers?  I should probably qualify that to say…

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