Tag Archives: úitseach
Cúig phictiúr d’imeachtaí an tséasúir: Irish words for some festivals and events from late January through mid February Posted by róislín on Jan 27, 2017

(le Róislín) This time of year seems to be jam-packed with holidays and special events, be they religious, calendrical, or pop/folk cultural. So we have five pictures (cúig phictiúr) in the graphic above and there are five descriptions (cúig chur síos) to match them up with. NB: In case anyone thinks I put them in…
Lá an Úitsigh (2 Feabhra) … agus Mé ar Bís ag Fanacht le Pilib Phunxsutawney! Posted by róislín on Feb 2, 2010
(le Róislín) Suíomh: Maolán an Ghogalaí (lit. knob of the gobbler), Pennsylvania iartharach. (Bhuel, i ndáiríre, mise i mo shuí os comhair mo ríomhaire ach ag smaoineamh ar an áit) Am: breacadh an lae, 7:08 r.n. (ag fanacht go dtí 7:26 r.n.) Teocht: 15 céim Fahrenheit (ca. -9 Celsius) (áthas orm go bhfuil…