Tag Archives: units of measurement
Saying Ordinal Numbers Out Loud in Irish: Ag rá orduimhreacha os ard i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Aug 13, 2017

(le Róislín) I’ve sometimes seen otherwise-confident learners of Irish come to a dead stop when they’re reading out loud and come to some numbers. The basic numbers are challenging enough. First, one must deal with all the different mutations that follow (dhá chat but seacht gcat). Then there are all the exceptions due to the…
Using Your Head: Counting in Irish with the Word “Ceann” Posted by róislín on Aug 31, 2011
(le Róislín) Bhuel, it’s not really your head. Just a generalized application of the word “ceann” (head) in Irish. So far, in all of the counting practice in recent blogs, we’ve been practicing na huimhreacha with the actual items being counted (móideim amháin, deich mbliana, srl.). But there’s a convenient way to use the word…