Tag Archives: wind
Everyone knows it’s … gaofar … gaothach… feothanach … fleách … seadánach, srl. (windy, breezy, etc. in Irish, with a nod to the Ruthann Friedman song) Posted by róislín on Oct 20, 2017

(le Róislín) In the last blogpost (nasc thíos), we looked at some (some 60+ that is!) possibilities for words or phrases involving the following: breezes, winds, gusts, squalls, and gales. That was all a follow-up to the earlier post on hairicíní (nasc eile thíos). Today, before moving on to topaicí Oíche Shamhna (since it is…
Some (60+) Irish Words and Phrases for Breeze, Wind, Gust, Squall, and Gale. Oh, and Zephyr! Posted by róislín on Oct 16, 2017

(le Róislín) Since we recently discussed wind, in general, and hurricanes, I thought it might be interesting to look at more words for wind. The meteorological sort, that is. So here’s a fairly comprehensive list, but eventually there will be more. It’s a really rich vocabulary in Irish Unlike my usual approach, of including plurals…
Cineálacha Stoirmeacha (Kinds of Storms) Posted by róislín on Sep 3, 2010
Last blog we discussed hairicíní, for which the Irish word is an adaptation of either the Carib for “God of Evil” or the name of a Mayan storm god, Hurakan – the sources for this don’t agree on which. Either way, the word went through a couple of filters before reaching Irish, namely Spanish “huracán”…