Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: You are my love

Saying “I Love You” in Irish (without the verb “to love”) Posted by on Oct 6, 2011

le Róislín How do I love thee?  Let me count the ways, but, at least for Irish, not the verbs. No verbs, hunh?  What’s all that about? One of the first steps for learning Latin, at least when I was in school, was learning to conjugate the verb “to love” – amo, amas (I love…

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Dóigheanna le “I Love You!” a Rá i nGaeilge: Let Me Count the Ways! Posted by on Feb 12, 2011

(le Róislín) Many languages, perhaps most, have numerous ways to say “I love you!” and Irish is no exception.  But, compared to other languages, Irish may be somewhat unusual in not really using the verb “to love,” as such, as much as it uses noun phrases.  Examples would include calling the object of your affection…

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