Tag Archives: zó-eolaíocht)
Some Irish Words Beginning with the Letter ‘Z’ (zaip go zú) Posted by róislín on Aug 7, 2018

(le Róislín) Recently we looked at some Irish words starting with the letter ‘y,’ which occurs fairly rarely in Irish. And previously, we’ve looked at some words including the letters ‘v,’ ‘w,’ and ‘x,’ also “neamhchoitianta” in Irish. Also, we did look at words beginning with ‘z’ earlier. But every time I check the online…
Cineálacha eolaithe (síceolaí agus bitheolaí, mar shampla … agus mar nuafhocal–*Pottereolaí) Posted by róislín on Jul 31, 2014
(le Róislín) Ó “agraimeitéareolaí” go “zó-eolaíocht” tá a lán téarmaí leis na foircinn “-eolaí” agus “-eolaíocht” sa Ghaeilge. To back up, just as English has many “-ologists” and “-ologies,” Irish has many words based on “eolaí” (scientist) and “eolaíocht” (science), all related to an even more basic word, “eolas.” You might recognize “eolas” from phrases…