Italian Language Blog

Archive for January, 2010

Word Lists – 3. Il Bagno Posted by on Jan 8, 2010

Salve ragazzi, le feste sono finite e spero che abbiate fatto i vostri propositi per l’anno nuovo, tra cui ‘studierò di più l’italiano’! In questo periodo, dopo le feste di Natale e dell’Anno Nuovo c’è sempre un vuoto nel senso che non si sa cosa fare di se stessi, vero? Allora, meno male che ci sono io…

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I Befanini Posted by on Jan 5, 2010

Once upon a time in Italy children used to receive their Christmas presents on the Epifania (Epiphany – the 6th of January), instead of on Christmas day. On the eve of Epifania children would hang a stocking near their bed or next to the fireplace, where the mythical kindly old peasant woman known as la Befana would fill them with biscuits, oranges, dried…

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Una Tradizione di Capodanno Posted by on Jan 2, 2010

In Italy we have many different traditions for la notte di Capodanno (New Year’s Eve), but there is one in particular that has always appealed to what my husband might call ‘the more destructive side of my nature’! I’m referring to the old custom of throwing broken or chipped crockery out of the window. The…

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