Italian Language Blog

Archive for December, 2019

Top Italian Language Blogs of 2019 Posted by on Dec 27, 2019

Ciao a tutti!  Spero che tutti abbiano passato un buon natale! Babbo Natale, or Santa Claus, has come and gone here in the US, and soon, un nuovo anno and un nuovo decennio will be upon us! Thus, it’s always a good idea to look back and reflect as we move into 2020. As such, let’s take…

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Irregular Italian nouns: continued Posted by on Dec 20, 2019

Ciao a tutti! Last week we saw some nouns that seemingly change genders from singular to plural. Today, we are going to see some more irregular Italian nouns; specifically, nouns with two plurals and different meanings. But before that, vorrei augurare un buon natale a tutti! Arriva Babbo Natale tra 5 giorni!   E adesso…

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Irregular Italian nouns Posted by on Dec 13, 2019

Ciao a tutti! I’m sure many of you know the basics of Italian grammar when it comes to nouns. Masculine singular usually is represented by an ‘o’ at the end of the noun, masculine plural with an ‘i’, feminine singular with an ‘a’ and feminine plural with an ‘e’. Simple, right? Now if only it…

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La musica italiana – Italian music Posted by on Dec 6, 2019

Ciao a tutti!  I know a few weeks ago I talked about Bella Ciao. As wonderful of a song it is, I want to also discuss and share some more recent Italian music, because soon Transparent Language will be offering a Spotify playlist encompassing music from all around the world! Che roba! Wow! To do so, we…

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