Andiamo in Vacanza–part 2 Posted by Geoff on Jul 11, 2012 in Italian Language
One of the reasons that we like to drive, rather than fly to England, is that it makes the whole nasty business of packing a lot more relaxing, because if you really can’t make up your mind just put it in the car and decide when you get there. Well, I don’t know about you, but even if Serena and I know months in advance when we’re actually going away we always end up trying to decide what to pack in our valigie (suitcases) at the last moment, as illustrated in the graph below:
If you’re planning a summer trip to Italy, why not do your packing in Italian? Here’s a little help:
Facciamo le valigie per una vacanza in Italia = let’s pack our suitcases for a holiday in Italy.
Le cose essenziali = the essentials:
un documento di riconoscimento come il Passaporto o la Carta d’Identità = an identity document, such as a Passport or an Identity Card
la patente di guida se vuoi noleggiare una macchina = your driving license if you want to hire a car
i biglietti dell’aereo, del traghetto, ecc. = the plane or ferry tickets, etc.
Euro se si viene da un Paese al di fuori della zona dell’Euro = Euros if you are from a country outside the Euro zone
carta di credito oppure bancomat = credit card or debit card
guide turistiche, carte stradali e mappe per andare in giro senza perdersi = tourist guides, road maps and maps so you can get around without becoming lost
un vocabolario bilingue tascabile = a bilingual pocket dictionary
Abbigliamento = clothes:
vestiti leggeri e freschi = light fresh clothes
calzoncini e magliette per quando fa caldo = shorts and T-shirts for when it gets hot
un giacchetto di cotone o una felpa leggera per la sera quando rinfresca = a cotton cardigan or a light fleece for the evening when it gets fresher
infradito o sandali per il giorno = flip-flops or sandals for the day
per le signore un paio di scarpe coi tacchi alti per la sera? = for the ladies a pair of high-heeled shoes for the evening?
scarpe chiuse o scarponi se si fa una passeggiata in montagna = shoes or boots if you are going for a walk in the mountains
cappello e occhiali da sole per proteggersi dalla luce intensa = hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from the strong light
In spiaggia = on the beach:
costume da bagno = swimwear
telo da mare per sdraiarsi sulla spiaggia = beach towel so that you can lie on the beach
crema solare per abbronzarsi senza scottarsi = suntan cream to get tanned without getting burnt
crema doposole per calmare il bruciore e attenuare quel color peperone della pelle = after sun cream to sooth the burning sensation and reduce the redness of the skin
paletta e secchiello per costruire castelli di sabbia = bucket and spade to build sand castles
un buon libro non troppo impegnativo da leggere = a good, not too heavy going book to read
Buone vacanze = Have a nice holiday
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