Italian Language Blog

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Pazza per la pizza Posted by on Mar 28, 2020

Pazza per la pizza – Crazy for pizza  Ciao a tutti, come procede la vostra quarantena? Volevo scrivere qualcosa di leggero oggi… allora parliamo del cibo! Hi everyone, how is your quarantine going? I wanted to write something a bit lighter today… so let’s talk about food! Come mi ero promessa e avevo scritto nel precedente blog…

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Consigli su cosa fare durante la pandemia di COVID-19 Posted by on Mar 20, 2020

Ciao a tutti voi bei lettori!  Preferirei parlare di altro in questo periodo, ma mi sembra un po’ strano ignorare la pandemia che stiamo vivendo qui negli Stati Uniti.  I would prefer to talk about something else during this time, but it seems a bit strange to me to ignore the pandemic that we are…

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Insieme Ce La Faremo Posted by on Mar 13, 2020

Insieme ce la faremo – Together we will get through it Non è un momento facile per la popolazione mondiale, a causa della pandemia da Coronavirus. It is not an easy time for the world population due to the Coronavirus pandemic. L’Italia, uno dei paesi ad oggi più colpiti, è stato dopo la Cina il…

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Il Coronavirus in Italia Posted by on Mar 6, 2020

Che cosa fa il governo italiano per aiutare la situazione con il nuovo Coronavirus in Italia? Diamo un’occhiata.. What is the Italian government doing to help the  situation with the new Coronavirus in Italy? Let’s take a look.. The website is helping to disseminate information, such as numbers of current infections and deaths, recommendations…

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Traveling in Italy Posted by on Feb 28, 2020

Consigli culturali per viaggiare in Italia, Cultural tips for traveling in Italy Se pensate adesso di fare un viaggio in Italia, purtroppo ci pensate due volte su a causa del Coronavirus. Ma pensiamo al futuro, e ad una bella vacanza nel Bel Paese. If you are thinking about a trip to Italy now, unfortunately you…

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Italian Idioms pt. 2 Posted by on Feb 21, 2020

Italian Idioms, pt. 2 Stare con le mani in mano – “To stay with your hands in hand”  When you think of Italians, I’m sure one of the first things you think of are the fact that they gesticulate constantly with their hands. (One stereotype that’s very true, albeit maybe a bit exaggerated at times..)…

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In Bocca al Lupo! Posted by on Feb 14, 2020

In bocca al lupo!   To us Americans, this seems like a silly way to wish someone good luck. ‘In the mouth of the wolf’? How has that evolved to mean ‘good luck’? Similarly to how ‘break a leg’ has evolved to mean buona fortuna, good luck, in everyday conversations here- from the backstage of…

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