Archive for 'Music'
Italian Christmas Songs Posted by Bridgette on Dec 24, 2021
Ciao a tutti! Buon natale a tutti voi! Merry Christmas to all of you! I wanted to share some Italian Christmas songs to enjoy this season, please add some more in the comments below. “Il Tamburino” (Little Drummer Boy) Sulla strada, pa rum pa pam pam (On the road) Un tamburino và, pa rum pa pam pam (A little drummer…
Un’estate italiana Posted by Bridgette on Jul 16, 2021

Un’estate italiana – An Italian Summer Ciao a tutti! Avete visto la partita? Did you see the game? Italy was victorious dai calci di rigore (from penalty kicks) against England to become the 2020 campione d’Europa (champions of Europe). Complimenti agli azzurri! Congratulations to the blues! While perusing la Repubblica reading news about the win…