Italian Language Blog

Indovinello Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Uncategorized

Seems to me that it’s time for a little indovinello (quiz). In order to answer most of these questions you’ll need to do a search for the appropriate older blog. Simply copy the search word given for each question (highlighted in blue) and paste it into the box that says ‘enter search terms’ at the top right of my blog page, click on the magnifying glass symbol and you should find what you are looking for.

Apologies to those of you who tried the previous version of this blog in which the links didn’t work.

Allora raggazzi, ci siamo?

1. which word describes the strident noise made by the cicala?

2. who or what are ‘The Priest Stranglers’?

3. when and where might you see the following warning sign ‘Obbligo di catene a bordo’?

4. how would you write ‘forty third anniversary’ in Italian?

5. finish this funny proverb ‘chi canta a tavola ……………………….’

6. what was ‘Il Bollettino della Vittoria’?

7. how would you say in Italian ‘I was afraid that Michele wouldn’t be able to get to the station on time’?

8. what is the preferred diet of Euscorpius?

9. what was the Giro d’Italia competitor Luigi Malabrocca famous for?

10. now write in Italian ‘If I had studied all of Serena’s blogs carefully I would have known all the answers’

Buon divertimento!

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  1. serena:

    If anyone has problems with the links in this blog please let me know.

    Grazie, Serena

  2. Lisa Stephens:

    The links do not appear to be working. It says the page can’t be found or no longer exists. Darn…

  3. serena:

    Sorry about the problem with the links, I have contacted admin to try and get it sorted out.


  4. Jeannet:

    Ciao Serena,

    1) Frinire
    2(” Gli Strozzapietri” : Gnicchi with spinach and
    ricotta cheese.
    3)Snowchains in winter to be carried with you in the car on the autoroad is obliged.
    4) Quantrèsimo compleanno.
    5) ‘Chi canta a tavola e fischia a letto, è matto perfetto’. (- at the time being I have had this funny proverb sticked on the wall)
    6) The Victory bulletins.
    7) …..and here stucked the quiz.
    Buon divertimento! -to me it was! certainly also for Serena the docente! who knows how pupils can stumble over posed questions.

    Se avevo studiato tutti blogi di Serena attentivamente avrei saputo tutti responsi.

    I like many more ‘indovinelli’.


    • serena:

      @Jeannet Ciao Jeannet, congratulations on being the first to have a go at my indovinello. Some of the questions are quite difficult but you did really well. I will give the correct answers a future blog.

      Saluti da Serena

  5. Bill Rohwer:

    Ciao Serena,

    si prova.
    1. Frinire

    2. Gli strozzapreti sono un tipo di gnocchi oppure un tipo di pasta.

    3. Si affronta normalmente questo avvertimento nell’inverno sull’autostrade o altre strade di solito in montagna.

    4. Quarantatrecesimo.

    5. ‘chi canta a tavola e fischia a letto, è matto perfetto.’

    6. The address issued by Armando Diaz to the Italian Army and the Nation after the victory of the Army in the battle of Vittorio Veneto that ended WWI in Italia.
    7. Avevo paura che Michele non possa arrivare in orario alla stazione.

    8. Insetti.

    9. Per indossare per due anni consecutivi la maglia nera (awarded for wasting the most time during the Giro).

    10. Se studiassi con cura (o assiduomente) tutti i blog di Serena avrei conosciuto tutte le risposte (o soluzione?).

    • serena:

      @Bill Rohwer Bravissimo Bill, quasi perfetto!

      A presto, Serena

  6. Edoardo: frinire delle cicale. 2. Gli Strozzapreti, a very nice type of gnocchi made with spinach and ricotta cheese. 3. Obbligo di catene a bordo – Snow chains must be carried in the car. 4 quarantesimo primo. 5. chi canta a tavola e fischia a letto, è matto perfetto. 6 Il Bollettino della Vittoria 1918. Firmato Diaz (The Victory Bulletin). 7. sono procupatto che Michele non fosse arrivata in tempo alla stagione.8 Cualcosa che potessi mangiare.9 non so. 10. se avessi studiato tutti i blog di Serena avrei saputo tutte le risposte.
    Grazie tante Serna per il tuo blog, continua per favore. Edoardo

    • serena:

      @Edoardo Bravo Edoardo, hai fatto bene!

      A presto, Serena

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