Tag Archives: Italian Classical Music
Musica a Pontremoli Posted by Serena on Sep 13, 2017

Cosa c’è di più bello dell’ascoltare la musica classica suonata da grandi professionisti in luoghi che sono dei veri e propri gioielli architettonici? E’ questo il regalo che ci ha fatto il maestro Giulio Plotino la settimana scorsa qui a Pontremoli: sette concerti, uno per ogni sera della settimana, e per di più tutti gratuiti!…
Cielo E Mar Posted by Serena on Sep 7, 2016
In my last post I recounted the story of my mother’s meeting with the famous Italian tenor Beniamino Gigli, and described how he gave an impromptu performance for her and a small group of blind girls on the beach in Pesaro. One of the arias that Gigli sang during that brief encounter was Cielo e…
L’INVERNO DI VIVALDI Posted by Geoff on Dec 30, 2014
It’s hard to find a more appropriate theme for winter than Inverno from Vivaldi’s Le Quattro Stagioni. Vivaldi took inspiration for his Four Seasons from four Sonnets, apparently written by himself. Each of the four sonnets is expressed in by a corresponding movement of the concerto: La Primavera, L’Estate, L’Autunno, and L’inverno. Here’s the sonnet…
Boccherini in Spain Posted by Geoff on Jul 23, 2014
One of the aspect of researching for my blogs that I really enjoy is the way that one piece of information leads to another, and a whole new world of possibilities opens up before my eyes. On Monday, for example, I was searching for information onLa Tempesta when I came across a song by Angelo…
La Tempesta Posted by Geoff on Jul 21, 2014
A dramatic start to the week! At around seven this morning we were awoken by a tremendous tempest that roared and shook its furious fists above our heads. As I lay there in awe … I love a good storm … the though came into my mind: blog! I had in mind a piece by…