Tag Archives: Italian politics
Italian Curiosities – Part 1 Posted by Geoff on Mar 6, 2018

After days of bitterly cold wind, snow and ice, we we’re desperate to get out of the house and see something different. We did! Per domenica hanno messo bel tempo … they’ve predicted nice weather for Sunday. By nice, I mean no snow or rain, and temperatures above 0°C … well that’s something! Having studied…
Italian Political Crap! Posted by Geoff on Aug 3, 2016
Dear readers, do you ever tire of hearing politician talking crap? I do! So I was overjoyed to read an article in Il Tirreno a couple of days ago about a Tuscan farmer who decided to communicate with the presidente della regione Toscana, Enrico Rossi, in the language that politicians seem to understand best. Here…
Proud To Be Italian? Part – 1 Posted by Serena on Jan 27, 2016
Following Geoff’s article I Don’t Feel Italian I thought I’d write a few words about my personal take on patriotism. “L’Italia fa schifo” said a couple of teenagers one day to a rather taken aback Geoff when they realised that he was English. Personally, I wasn’t at all surprised by this phrase as I used…
An Ice Cream for the Prime Minister Posted by Serena on Sep 2, 2014
Last week’s cover page of the European edition of The Economist carried the image of a sinking paper boat made from a 20 euro note. Standing in the boat are, from right to left: the German Prime Minister Angela Merkel, the French President Francois Hollande, and the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, and seated behind…
Il Partito dei Pinocchi Posted by Serena on Jan 2, 2013
How trustworthy are our politicians here in Italy? Here is an extract from an interesting article that I found in the Corriere della Sera: Chi è il capo dei Pinocchi? Silvio Berlusconi. Sua è la bugia più clamorosa del 2012, quando ha indicato l’Italia come il paese dall’economia più solida al mondo, secondo solo alla…
Andiamo a votare Posted by Serena on May 21, 2011
Here in Italy on the 15th and 16th of May, many towns and cities held elections to vote for their new administration. Amongst these was our local town, Pontremoli. Here in Pontremoli four groups put themselves forward as candidates for election: ‘Cara Puntremal’ (‘Dear Pontremoli’. ‘Puntremal’ is the dialect spelling for Pontremoli), ‘Amo Pontremoli’ (‘I…