Tag Archives: spring in Italy
Fiori Di Primavera Posted by Serena on Mar 15, 2017

All around us Spring is making its timid appearance. Meadows and roadside embankments are carpeted with flowers. Beneath the umbrellas of pale creamy ellebori (hellebores), bunches of delicate yellow primule (primroses) alternate with short bold purple crochi (crocuses). Elleboro begins flowering from late December onwards, for this reason it’s also known as La Rosa di…
An Old Italian Springtime Recipe Posted by Serena on Apr 15, 2016
Spring is blooming all around us, re-awakening our senses: the birds are singing from dawn to dusk, the hills are painted in many shades of green, the fields are carpets of flowers, the air smells of mint, thyme and other wild herbs, our skin is caressed by the first warm sun and a fresh breeze…
Primavera Posted by Geoff on Apr 11, 2016
The transition from winter to spring always brings with it a touch of nostalgia. The return of sounds, colours, and odours simultaneously awakens desires for the future and memories of the past. These sensations are often heightened to an almost unbearable level when you live in a place, as do I, far from that of…
La Primavera è Balzata Posted by Geoff on Apr 2, 2015
La Primavera è Balzata … what on earth kind of title is that Geoff! Well, if you’re a regular follower of our blog you’ll know by now that Geoff’s mind works in mysterious ways. Currently, I’m having a phase of re-reading some of my favourite old books which I brought over with me years ago…
Quanti Bei Fiori! Posted by Serena on May 5, 2010
After months of living in an almost monochromatic winter world, the tapestry of colors that nature has woven around us is almost overwhelming. Living, as we do, in the virtually unspoiled landscape of Lunigiana it is always such a joy and privilege to witness la rinascita della natura dopo il suo lungo riposo (the rebirth…
La Primavera! Posted by Serena on Mar 31, 2009
The 21st of March was the official beginning of Primavera (Spring), and as the proverb goes: ‘a San Benedetto una rondine sotto il tetto’ (for Saint Benedict a swallow under the roof), because in the Italian calendar the Saint for the 21st of March is San Benedetto, and when the swallows appear it’s a sign that…