Japanese Language Blog

Archive for June, 2009

Sentoo Posted by on Jun 7, 2009

A sentoo (銭湯) is a public bathhouse. Even though people have bathtubs at home, a sentoo (銭湯) is a bit different from your ordinary bathtub. A sentoo (銭湯) will have separate sections for each gender. Male children up to ten years of age can go with their mothers. Other than that, the gender division is…

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Japanese Onomatopoeia Part 2 Posted by on Jun 4, 2009

Alright, so this time around we’re going to look at the Japanese onomatopoeia that are called gitaigo (擬態語). Unlike giseigo (擬声語), which is what I discussed last post, gitaigo (擬態語) is the type of onomatopoeia that describes psychological conditions and physical states. ドキドキ : doki doki (describes nervousness) ピリピリ : piri piri (describes someone who…

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Japanese Onomatopoeia Posted by on Jun 1, 2009

There are different types of Japanese onomatopoeia. Today we’re going to just focus on one of the onomatopoeia. I’ll do another post on the others later. Today’s onomatopoeia is giseigo (擬声語). Giseigo (擬声語) is the type of onomatopoeia that mimics actual sounds. You’ll actually see what I mean with the examples below. You can see…

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