Archive for January, 2018
What does “Kibun tenkan” mean? Posted by keiko on Jan 31, 2018

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” Frank Smith Hi everyone. Hope everyone is having a great day! It’s been raining here in Pacific Northwest for the past few weeks or so. Unfortunately, this is not my favorite time of the year as the…
Goals for 2018 in Learning Japanese Posted by keiko on Jan 25, 2018

“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini It is almost the end of January now, and going into February soon. What are some of your goals for this year in terms of learning Japanese? I have received some comments from readers where they want to focus on reading basic Hiragana’s…
What is Jyuunishi (Twelve Branches, Japanese Zodiac Animals)? Posted by keiko on Jan 19, 2018

“Change your language and you change your thoughts.” ‒ Karl Albrecht Hi everyone! Have you heard of the Jyuunishi (十二支、じゅううにし), the Twelve Branches or Earthly Branches? In Japan, people often refer each year as “Year of the Dog” or ” Year of the Monkey” etc.. based on the Zodiac system. There are twelve animals…
Happy New Year! Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu Posted by keiko on Jan 8, 2018

“A man who knows two languages is worth two men.” ‒French Proverb Happy New Year, everyone! Hope everyone had a great winter break. Some of you are already back to work and others might be still on long vacation. 2018 has just began, and this is the time of the year to reset…