What is Jyuunishi (Twelve Branches, Japanese Zodiac Animals)? Posted by keiko on Jan 19, 2018 in Culture, Grammar
“Change your language and you change your thoughts.” ‒ Karl Albrecht
Hi everyone! Have you heard of the Jyuunishi (十二支、じゅううにし), the Twelve Branches or Earthly Branches? In Japan, people often refer each year as “Year of the Dog” or ” Year of the Monkey” etc.. based on the Zodiac system. There are twelve animals that are mentioned in the Zodiac system, and the order of these animals are always set. Each year has one symbolic animal assigned to represent the year. There is a folk tale that explains how the order was originally created for these animals. It’s a short story, and I posted the Youtube video below for you to enjoy.
Let me first explain what these 12 animals are.
子 | ね(Ne, Rat) |
丑 | うし(Ushi, Cow) |
寅 | とら(Tora, Tiger) |
卯 | う(U, Rabbit) |
辰 | たつ(Tatsu, Dragon) |
巳 | み(Mi, Snake) |
午 | うま(Uma, Horse) |
未 | ひつじ(Hitsuji, Sheep) |
申 | さる(Saru, Monkey) |
酉 | とり(Tori, Rooster) |
戌 | いぬ(Inu, Dog) |
亥 | い(I, Boar) |
~Quick Lesson related to Zodiac Calendar~
今年は 戌年です。(ことしは いぬ どしです。)
Kotoshi wa Inu doshi desu.
(This is the Year of the Dogs)
あなたは 何どし ですか?(あなたは なにどし ですか?)
Anatawa nani dosi desuka?
What is your Zodiac year?
私は 兎どしです。(わたしは、 うさぎ どし です。)
Watashi wa usagi doshi desu.
I was born in the Year of the Rabbit.
Here is the video that I would like you all to watch.
”Story of 12 animals”
Story goes like this~
One day, God said to animals, “Come to my house in the morning of the New Year. Based on the order of your arrival, I will assign each of you to manage the particular year.”
Cow started out the night before as he knew he was slow to get there.
Mouse decided to hide on top of cow to get a free ride.
When they both arrived at God’s palace together, mouse jumped in front of cow and was the first to get to the door.
Tiger and rabbit started to head out at sunrise. After tiger and rabbit got to the palace, dragon and snake arrived at place at the same time, but snake was nice to let dragon go first.
Horse got sidetracked on his way and was the 7th animal to get to palace.
Sheep got lost on his way and was the 8th animal to get to palace.
Monkey and dog were fighting as they headed over to the palace. Rooster couldn’t stand them fighting so stepped in the middle to break up the fight.
Boar got there last and was the 12th animal.
On January 2nd, cat got there thinking he was the first one. God told the cat, “You are too late!”. Cat got upset to find out that mouse lied to him about the date. Ever since then, cat started to hate mouse.
Hope you enjoyed learning about Japanese Zodiac Animals. What is your zodiac animal?

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