6 tips on responding to your manager in Japanese Posted by keiko on Aug 12, 2017 in Culture, Grammar
All about Keigo~Keigo is an essential part of learning Japanese~
Hi everyone.
Hope everyone is doing well out there. I realize that it’s time to start a new series on learning Japanese. This time, I decided to start something specifically about learning Japanese Keigo (敬語、けいご).
Keigo (敬語、けいご) is part of Japanese language to show respect while communicating. In my opinion, this is the hardest part of learning Japanese, where it is critical to know when to use the right Keigo expression at the right time. If used incorrectly, what you are trying to say might sound rather rude to others. Therefore, learning Keigo (敬語、けいご) is essential for learning Japanese. So, without many of the grammatical rules, I would like to introduce you to the world of Keigo (敬語、けいご) one situation at a time.
Obviously, Keigo is often used in business environment as it is critical to respond to others in a polite manner. It is very important to differentiate the way you communicate between your manager(s) and your co-workers.
To start off, I would like to cover “how to respond to your manager” in this post today.
Responding to your manager:
1) When your name is called
Hai kokoni orimasu.
Yes, I am right here.
2)When asked to come into his/her office
只今、参ります。(ただいま まいります。)
Tadaima mairi masu
I will be right there.
3) Once you get to his/her office
Oyobi de shouka
Did you call me?
お待たせしてしまい すみません。(おまたせしてしまい すみません。)
Omatase shite shimai sumimasen.
I am sorry to keep you waiting.
4) Responding to his/her direction
はい、承知 いたしました。(しょうち いたしました。)
Hai, sho-chi itashimashita.
Hai, kashiko mari mashita
Yes, I understand.
5) When you need to ask him/her to repeat
すみません。もう一度 お願いします。(すみません。もういちど おねがいします。)
Sumimasen Mo-ichido onegai shimasu.
I am sorry. Could you repeat one more time?
6) When confirming with your manager
これで よろしいいでしょうか。
Korede yoroshii desho-ka?
Is this correct?
〜 desune.
It is 〜correct?
How was the first lesson? These are all simple expressions but essential to know when communicating with your boss. Hope you learning something new today. Stay tuned for more topics on learning Keigo.

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Lepel Icoy:
Reading the things you’ve shared to us gave me hope to learn more on japanese language. I study alone at home and trying to understand more with the language. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and language to us!
@Lepel Icoy Hi Lepel,
Thank you so much for your kind comment. I am so happy to hear that you are able to use my site for learning Japanese. Readers like you help me keep writing on this site. Thank you! Keiko