Japanese Language Blog

How to ask questions in Japanese? Posted by on Apr 2, 2014 in Grammar

In Japanese, converting from normal sentence to question is pretty easy, as long as you know to add the particle, “Ka” at the end of the sentence.

“Ka”- “か” is the key particle in Japanese when you are asking questions.  You will need to add “Ka”- “か” at the end of the sentence. Word order will not change.  See below.

これは、あなたの帽子です。 (これは、あなたのぼうしです。)

Korewa anatano boushi desu.  (This is your hat.)

This sentence turns into a question when you add “Ka”=”か” at the end of the sentence.

これは、あなたの帽子です。 (これは、あなたのぼうしです。)

Korewa anatano boushi desu ka.  (Is this your hat?)

It’s pretty easy, right?  In Japanese, we typically don’t use ? (Question Mark) at the end of each sentence.  We end the questions with Maru (。) even for questions.

Japanese might be considered one of the hardest languages to learn, but there are some aspects of learning Japanese, that is pretty easy as well. This grammar rule is one of them for sure! 🙂

Let’s go over some more examples to get used to this particle.

このビルは学校です。 このビルは学校です
Kono biru wa gakko desu. Kono biruwa gakko desuka?
This building is school. Is this building school?
この映画は面白いです。 この映画は面白いです
Kono eigawa omoshiroi desu. Kono eigawa omoshiroi desuka?
This movie is funny. Is this movie funny?
これは、彼の犬です。 これは、彼の犬です
Korewa kareno inu desu. Korewa kareno inu desuka?
This is his dog. Is this his dog?

Transparent has a great tutorial video to explain this.

Here is the homework for some of you who would like to try it. Please provide your answers in the comment section.

Turn the following sentences into questions.

1. 明日の天気は晴れです。(あすの てんきは はれです。)

Tomorrow’s weather will be sunny.

2. 勉強は難しいです。 (べんきょうは むずかしい です。)

Studying is hard.

3.頭が痛いです。(あたまが いたい です。)

My head hurts.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions.

Keep learning Japanese with us!

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About the Author: keiko

Born and raised in Japan. She currently lives in U.S. with her husband and two kids.


  1. Barbara Fairlight:

    Thank you for your lessons! I have a friend, also named Keiko, who is currently visiting her mother in Nagano. I want to call her. Her mother doesn’t speak English. How may I ask, “Is Keiko there?” or is there a different approach you recommend? I know how to identify myself and say that I am a friend of Keiko’s. Thank you!

    • keiko:

      @Barbara Fairlight Hi Barbara,

      Thanks for your question. The way you ask “Is Keiko there?” will be “Keiko-san miemasuka?” Miemasuka will be a polite form of saying “imasuka”.
      That will do it! 🙂
