Archive for 'Holidays'
About Unique Japanese Valentine’s Day Posted by eriko1 on Jan 27, 2022

What is the biggest event in February (二月 nigatsu)? Setsubun (節分), which falls on February 3? For the entire nation, it may be. Setsubun means to divide seasons (季節 kisetsu), dividing the winter and the spring (2/4). On Setsubun, people throw roasted soybeans at Oni, a demon (鬼), shouting ” Out with the demons. In…
Christmas in Japan Posted by eriko1 on Dec 20, 2021

I know I should write something about New Year in Japan. But I wrote about 年賀状, 除夜の鐘 ,福袋andお節 present and past last year. So I am going to focus on Christmas in Japan.年賀状/ For a non-Christian country, Christmas is a huge event even though it is not a holiday (祭日saijitsu) in Japan…