Archive for 'Business'
About Unique Japanese Valentine’s Day Posted by eriko1 on Jan 27, 2022

What is the biggest event in February (二月 nigatsu)? Setsubun (節分), which falls on February 3? For the entire nation, it may be. Setsubun means to divide seasons (季節 kisetsu), dividing the winter and the spring (2/4). On Setsubun, people throw roasted soybeans at Oni, a demon (鬼), shouting ” Out with the demons. In…
Job Hunting for College Students (就活) Part 2 Posted by eriko1 on Dec 7, 2021

Here is part 2 of job hunting Japanese style (see Part 1). So what happens if you did not get a job before you graduate from college? Here are two options. You graduate from college and continue to look for a job = 就職浪人(shushoku ronin). 浪人 (ronin) is a wandering samurai without a lord. So…