Japanese Language Blog

Geography of Japan Posted by on Sep 30, 2009 in Uncategorized

Japan is a island nation. Japan was formed from volcanic eruptions that cooled off to form islands. Unfortunately, Japan is located in a volatile zone. Several devastating earthquakes have shook the stability and infrastructure of the Japanese economy and society. However, even with such setbacks Japan has been able to rebuild itself.

The best natural resource for Japan may be its waters. Japan’s waters have fostered Japan’s extensive trading and coastal shipping. Fish has always been a plentiful resource in Japan. However, this may change as global warming affects the conditions for fish to survive in Japan’s waters.

Japan’s main islands are Hokkaidoo (北海道), Honshuu (本州), Shikoku (四国), and Kyuushuu (九州). There are also smaller islands like Okinawa (沖縄本島). Hokkaidoo is located towards the northern part of Japan, towards Russia. Honshuu is the largest main island of Japan and hosts Japan’s capital city, Tookyoo (東京). Shikoku is located towards the south of Japan. Lastly, Kyuushuu is Japan’s southern most tip, and known for it’s hot springs.

In addition to the four main islands, Japan is divided into eight regions that are commonly taught in elementary schools. The eight regions include: Hokkaidoo (北海道), Toohoku (東北), Kantoo (関東), Chuubu (中部), Kansai (関西), Chuugoku (中国), Shikoku (四国), Kyuushuu (九州),

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  1. Tatiana:

    Omoshiroi, ne! Arigatou gozaimasu! I will study Japan’s geography a little more now.