How do you say, “I got flu” in Japanese? Posted by keiko on Feb 26, 2018 in Uncategorized
“We should learn languages because language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly.”
― Kató Lomb,
Hi everyone, hope you are all healthy and doing well. My family just got over the nasty flu, which started off with one of my kids, and spread to the entire family. It was my fault that I didn’t get a chance this year to bring kids to get flu shots. I learned my lesson the hard way to never skip flu shots including for myself!
It’s never fun to be sick at all, and it makes you feel so miserable, but at the same time it makes you appreciate your health for sure. We often take our health for granted, or just don’t think about it but I know now that health should be the most important thing that we should always appreciate!
Today, I am feeling thankful that I am feeling better, and thought about making this “flu” a topic of learning for today’s lesson. 🙂 Here are some useful (but you don’t want to use if you can avoid it…) expressions related to being sick in Japanese~!
I got a flu!
Influenza ni kakatte shimatta!
インフルエンザ に かかって しまった!(いんふるえんざ に かかって しまった!)
I have been down with the flu all week.
Influenza de zutto konshu nekon de imasu.
インフルエンザ で ずっと 今週 寝込んで います。(いんふるえんざ で ずっと こんしゅう ねこんで います。)
It sounds like flu has been going around at school.
Gakko de influenza ga hayatta iru mitai desu.
学校で インフルエンザ が 流行って いるみたい です。(がっこうで、いんふるえんざ が はやって いる みたいです。)
I should have gotten a flu shot!
Yobo chusha utte okeba yokatta!
予防注射 打っておけば よかった!(よぼうちゅうしゃ うっておけば よかった!)
I have a high fever due to flu.
Influenza de takai netsu ga dete imasu.
インフルエンザ で 高い 熱が 出ています。(いんふるえんざ で たかい ねつが でています。)
I don’t have any appetite because I am sick.
Byoki no tame shoku yoku ga arimasen.
病気のため 食欲 が ありません。(びょうき の ため しょくよく が ありません。)
Take care.
Odaiji ni ne.
I hope you will recover soon.
Hayaku kaifuku shimas yo- ni.
早く 回復 します ように。(はやく かいふく します ように)
Sorry I took a long break from the last post. I am now feeling better and will be working on my next post soon! Stay healthy, and let’s all be thankful and appreciate the blessing of health. 🙂

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Very helpful posting.