Intention Posted by Ginny on Aug 16, 2010 in Grammar
To express intention, use the short present tense of the verb + つもりだ
1) 町田先生の誕生日にケーキを作るつもりです = I plan to make a cake for Professor Machida’s birthday
(まちだ/町田 = Machida. せんせい/先生 = Professor. の = particle. たんじょうび/誕生日= birthday. に = particle. ケーキ = cake. を = particle. つくる/作る = make. つもりで す = intend)
There is a slight difference in meaning when compared with this sentence :
2) 町田先生の誕生日にケーキを作ります = I will make a cake for Professor Machida’s birthday
The ending is where you want to pay attention. Instead of 作るつもりです, the second sentence uses 作ります. When using つもりです, the person is stating their intention to do something, which means that there is the possibility that they may change their mind and not do it. However with the second sentence, there is an implication that there is likelihood that the person will complete the action.
To express that you do not intend to do something use the plain, nonpast negative form of the verb + つもりだ :
久多良木さんは私のうちに来ないつもりです = Mr. Kutaragi does not intend to come to my home.
(くたらぎ/久多良木 = Kutaragi. さん = Mr. は = particle. わたし/私 = I. の = particle.うち = home. に = particle. こないつもりです/来ないつもりです = does not intend to come)
A stronger way to express that someone has no intention of doing something is to use the dictionary form of the verb + つもりはない :
あの手紙を読むつもりはありません = I have no intention of reading that letter
(あの = that. てがみ/手紙 = letter. を = particle. よむ/読む = reading. つもりはありません = no intention)

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