Japanese Hamburger Posted by keiko on Nov 24, 2014 in Culture
Here is the recipe for quick and easy meal, especially for the days you feel like eating meat! (Sorry all vegetarian folks out there). This is one of my kids’ favorites, and I cook it often at home as well. In Japanese, we call it Hanba-gu, ハンバーグ. In English, this is a simple hamburger that you might normally eat with buns.
This the recipe that I have been using for years, originally from my mom.
材料 ー 二人分
牛豚合いびき肉 250g
玉ねぎみじん切り 大 1個分
卵 1個
パン粉 1/2cup
牛乳 大さじ2
みそ 大さじ1
マヨネーズ 大さじ1.5
ナツメグ 適量
塩コショウ 適量
酒 100cc
English Translation
Juicy Japanese Burger
Ingredients ー 2 servings
Ground Beef and Pork combined half and half – 250gtotal
Minced onion – Large 1
Egg 1
Fine bread crumbs 1/2 cup
Milk 2 tbs
Miso 1 tbs
Mayonnaise 1.5 tps
Nutmeg small amount
Salt and Pepper small amount
Cooking Sake 100 cc
1.Put all ingredients except cooking sake into food processor and mix them well.
2.Form into 4 patties.
3.With vegetable oil, brown both sides of the burger over medium heat. Pour cooking sake and cover. Let the burger cook until well done.
4.Serve with your favorite vegetables on the side.
The way I like to eat these hamburgers are with Citrus Sauce called Ponzu (ポン酢). If you add a shredded Daikon on top of Ponzu, it will be perfect, in my opinion. You can also serve with melted cheese on top of it as well. That’s the way my kids normally eat. You can find the Ponzu at most of the Asian grocery stores. It looks like this. You could also try Teriyaki sauce or BBQ sauce if you prefer.
Enjoy cooking! Let me know if you try it, how you liked them. It might not look like a traditional American burgers, but this one tastes pretty good!

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