Learning Japanese for Business –4 Posted by keiko on Apr 30, 2015 in Culture, Grammar
Giving Presentations
Today’s topic is all about giving presentations. I have covered a few themes related to learning Japanese for business during the last few posts. Below are some of the most useful expressions you could apply to any of your presentations. Read on!
We are ready to start the presentation. – Presen o hajimemashou. (プレゼンをはじめましょう。)
** Presentation can be expressed as “presen(プレゼン)”, shorter for presentation in Japanese. In Japanese, we like to abbreviate English words. Presen is a typical example of the abbreviation applied to English words.
May I start now? – Hajimetemo yoroshi-deshouka? (はじめても よろしいでしょうか?)
The theme for today’s presentation is ~ – Kyo no presen no te-ma wa ~ desu. (きょうの プレゼンのテーマは ~です。)
I am going to give a presentation on ~. – ~nitsuite presen o shitai to omoimasu. (~について プレゼンをしたいと おもいます。)
The first topic is ~ = Hajimeno topikku wa ~ desu. (はじめの トピックは~です。)
The second topic is ~ = Nibanmeno topikku wa ~ desu. (にばんめの トピックは~です。)
In conclusion = Ketsurontoshite (けつろんとして、)
Finally = Saigoni (さいごに、)
First of all, let me introduce myself briefly. = Hajimeni jikoshoukai o shitaito omoimasu. (はじめに じこしょうかいを したいとおもいます。)
Please take a look at the screen. = Douzo skuri-n o mitekudasai. (どうぞ、スクリーンをみてください。)
I have 5 items to discuss today. – Kyo ohanashi shitaikoto wa itsutsu arimasu. (きょう おはなししたいことは いつつあります。)
As you know ~ = Gozonji no youni (ごぞんじのように)
Please take a look at the handouts. – Shiryou o mitekudasai. (しょりょうをみてください。)
Please see page 1. – Ichi pe-jime o mitekudasai. (一ページめをみてください。)
Please take a look at this graph. – Kono gurafu o mitekudasai. (この グラフを みてください。)
Does anyone have any questions. – Dareka shitsumon no aruhitowa imasuka? (だれか しつもんのあるひとは いますか?)
Here is what we found. – Korega watashitachi ga mitsuketa kekkadesu. (これがわたしたちのみつけたけっかです。)
Here are some examples. – Korega gutairei desu. (これがぐたいれい です。)
Please look at the graph carefully. – Sono gurafu o yoku mitekudasai. (このグラフをよく みてください。)
If you have any further questions, please contact me. – Mada nanika shitsumon ga arimashitara, watashi ni kiitekudasai. (まだなにか しつもんが ありましたら わたしに きいてください。)
If you have any specific topic you would like me to cover, feel free to leave me comments!

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Tim Nielsen:
Thank you very useful! Can you post something about business phone calls? I am in sales and I need to call Japanese companies. Thanks! Excellent stuff!
Transparent Language:
Comment via email:
Konnichiwa! I would like to start by saying thank you for your Japanese Blog! I enjoy every installment.
Would it be possible to cover Japanese signs and most common social media terms….email format/ letter/ postcard samples? I am returning to learning Japanese and I have found that these types of common terms aren’t always covered by texts. (I have boxes of textbooks!)
Kind regards
@Transparent Language Hi Kirsten,
Thanks for your comment! I will cover these topics in my future articles, hopefully soon!