List of 30 Positive Thinking Japanese Words Posted by keiko on Jun 24, 2016 in Culture, Grammar
Are you feeling not so great today? Then, here is the post you don’t want to miss! Read on ~
Life is not sometimes fair, and you might feel down for some reason, related to anything from your personal life to work life. Although we know that there is no perfect world out there, we sometimes can’t help but to complain about our life. So, today was one of those days for me, just feel stressed over some changes that might be happening to our family, worried about how that is going to affect us all.
With that said, I told myself, I need to think more positively. In Japanese, there is an expression called, “Kotodama (言霊、ことだま), which means, each word you say out loud has its own soul, especially the words you say it to yourself in your mind or words you tell to others. You want to be very careful as to what you say, because, by saying certain things, it will end up affecting your life just like the way you put it.
So, thinking positive might not be easy sometimes, but here is the list of Japanese words that will help you think positively! Not in any particular order, but words are listed as it came to my mind as I wrote them.
- Shiawase (幸せ、しあわせ) – happy
- Genki (元気 げんき) – well
- Hikari (光る、ひかる) – light
- Kimochi no ii (気持ちのいい、きもちのいい)- feels good
- Ikiteiru (生きてる、いきてる) – alive
- Ichiban (一番、いちばん) – best
- Ochitsuku (落ち着く、おちつく) – calm
- Kawairashii (可愛らしい、かわいらしい) – pretty
- Kakoii (かっこいい) – cool
- Yu-kino aru (勇気のある、ゆうきのある) – courageous
- Subarashii (素晴らしい、すばらしい) – wonderful
- Kireina (綺麗な、きれいな) – beautiful
- Kawaii (可愛い、かわいい) – cute
- Kenkouna (健康な、けんこうな) – healthy
- Tanoshii (楽しい、たのしい) – enjoyable
- Tanoshimu (楽しむ、たのしむ) – to enjoy
- Megumareru (恵まれる、めぐまれる) – blessed
- Ureshii (嬉しい、うれしい) – happy
- Ko-unna (幸運な、こううんな) – luckly
- Sugoi (凄い、すごい) – great, amazing
- Kantan (簡単、かんたん) – easy
- Nandemonai (何でもない、なんでもない) – it’s nothing
- Okashii (可笑しい、おかしい) – funny
- Omoshiroi (面白い、おもしろい) – funny
- Kyo-mibukai (興味深い、きょうみぶかい) – interesting
- Sekkyokutekina (積極的な、せっきょくてきな) – positive
- Kouteitekina (肯定的な、こうていてきな) – positive
- Daijo-bu (大丈夫、だいじょうぶ) – it’s ok, it will be ok
- Suki (好き、すき) – to like
- Love (愛、あい) – Ai
Let’s try to stick with positive words only or as much as we can when you feel down. Remember, each word carries its own soul that might affect not only the way you think, but also the outcome itself. Don’t forget Kotodama (言霊、ことだま)

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Janet Whatmough:
Thank you, I like this list! =-)
Subarashii , All the words shared by you are very much useful in our daily life. We are also teaching Japanese online through our online Japanese course Yomuzoku.