Things to say at the restaurant. Posted by keiko on Feb 10, 2014 in Grammar
So, you are walking into a restaurant in Japan where nobody understands English. These are the expressions that you can use to survive and enjoy your restaurant experience! Below, I have created a typical conversation you might have at the restaurant in a dialog format. English translation is below for your review.
You(the customer) are walking into a restaurant.
Restaurant Host: いらっしゃいませ。何名さまですか?(irasshai mase. nanmeisama desuka? )
You:一人です。(hitori desu)
Restaurant Host:お一人ですか?こちらへどうぞ。(ohitori desuka? Kochirae douzo)
Waitress:メニューをどうぞ。(menu wo douzo)
After a few minutes,
You:ちょっとお聞きしたいのですが、かつどんって、何ですか?(chotto okikishitaino desuga, Katsu-don tte nandesuka?)
Waitress:ご飯の上に、かつがのっているものです。(gohannno ueni katsu ga notte irumonodesu.)
You:あぁ、そうなんですね。では、それをください。(ah, sounan desune. dewa, sorewokudasai)
Waitress:お飲み物は何になさいますか?(onomimono wa nanini nasaimasuka?)
You:緑茶を下さい。(ryokucha wo kudasai)
Waitress brings the dish,
Waitress:かつどんと緑茶をどうぞ。(Katsu-don to ryokucha wo douzo)
You:すみません、お水もいただけますか?(sumimasen, omizumo itadakemasuka?)
waitress:はい、かしこまりました。(hai, kashikomarimashita.)
You:ありがとうございます。(arigatou gozaimasu.)
~You are almost done eating.~
Waitress:かつどんはいかがでしたか?(Katsu-don wa ikakadeshitaka?)
You:おいしかったです。(oishi katta desu.)
Waitress:デザートはなにか食べられますか?(Desert wa nanika taberare masuka?)
You:プリンをください。(Purin wo kudasai)
~You are done with your desert.~
You:チェックをお願いします。(check wo onegaishimasu)
Waitess:チェックをどうぞ。(check wo douzo)
You:ありがとうございました。ごちそうさまでした。(arigatou gozaimashita. gochisou sama deshita.)
You(the customer) are walking into a restaurant.
Restaurant Host: Welcome! How many?
You:Just myself.
Restaurant Host:Just yourself? This way, please.
Waitress:Please take the menu.
After a few minutes,
You:I would like to ask you a quick question. What is “Katsu-don”?
Waitress:It is a bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet.
You:Oh I see. I will take that, please.
Waitress:What would you like to drink?
You:Green tea, please.
Waitress:Yes, sure.
Waitress brings the dish.
Waitress:Here is the Katsu-don and green tea.
You:Excuse me, may I please have a water also?
waitress:Yes, sure.
You:Thank you.
~You are almost done eating.~
Waitress:How was the Katsu-don?
You:It was delicious.
Waitress:Would you like to order a desert?
You:Yes, pudding, please.
Waitress:Yes, sure.
~You are done with your desert.~
You:Check, please.
Waitess:Here it is.
You:Thank you. I enjoyed the food.
As I mentioned before, there is no need to tip in Japan. Also, in Japan, most of the time, the price on the menu includes tax so the price you see on the menu will be the price you would be paying at the end. As long as you know these basic expressions, I promise you would be able to walk into a restaurant in Japan!

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