Korean Language Blog

Archive for March, 2020

Humanism Always Survives Posted by on Mar 19, 2020

A couple of months ago, I honestly thought my parents and friends went overboard with COVID-19 whenever I talked to them over the phone. I didn’t feel 임박한 위기 (im-bahk-hahn-wee-gi: an imminent danger) back then. They, of course, 자가 격리 (jah-gah-kyuk-ree: self-quarantine) themselves at home as most Koreans did. Some people started 사재기 (sah-jae-gi: panic…

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The Chronicles of Coronavirus in Korea Posted by on Mar 5, 2020

January 2020 I was planning to fly back to Korea in March to see my family and friends. I was excited about this trip because it has been a while since I visited Korea. I have been missing authentic Korean food. I had a list of Korean food I wanted to try.  Most of all…

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